In our most ambitious project yet, we made boats!
Mostly, this project reaffirmed my desire to own a scroll saw. As it was, we used a coping saw to cut these out, and when I say, we, I mean Wazi. I tried, but arthritic hands are apparently not meant for this sort of work. Luckily, I have a very dedicated husband who sawed tirelessly, and a dremel, so I could help a bit with the shaping.
Anyway, eventually we had two lovely, if still somewhat rough, boats. I figured Edward and I would share a boat since he wasn't particularly likely to want to do much work on it himself, and we (Wazi) had had enough sawing for a while.
This is where the boys came in. They had watched the initial cutting out, but Edward had no desire to try sawing himself, and Vance's attempt (very closely supervised; no need to worry) was of shorter duration than even mine. Vance did, however, find that he could help sand the boats down.
Once the boats were sufficiently smooth, it was time to decorate them! Out came the beeswax crayons! Edward decided to color for just a minute,
but quickly lost interest. He returned to the table later, though, to build a floating wall out of the block crayons.
Vance had more staying power, and very carefully and particularly colored his entire boat.
Afterward, we melted the wax in the oven, and rubbed in a bit more polish, to make them good and watertight.
At long last, we had two lovely boats, ready for fun!
They float quite nicely, though I don't have a picture of the boys playing in the sink, and we're looking forward to sailing them in puddles next time it rains.
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